My favorite book

From the moment I learned to read, I liked it, I loved the stories of the children and one of the first books I remember reading and I really liked Papelucho and the whole saga of twelve books written by Marcela Paz, I loved reading about the adventures narrated by that child. I do not have a favorite author, but I like some authors like Isabel Allende, Gabriel García Márquez and Edgar Allan Poe. The topic of literature I like to read is horror, fantasy and historical stories about ancient civilizations. My favorite books are part of the trilogy "Memories of the Eagle and the Jaguar" by Isabel Allende I love because it talks about cultures, mystic rituals. At the moment I am not reading any book, a part of the texts that the U, but when you have a little free time and money haha I will look for some that motivate me to invest in it and read it because I have not been reading for a while book that I really like.


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